Monday, January 25, 2010


I absolutely HATE dieting, but in order to lose weight I must change my diet and lifestyle. I am posting this as I am beginning my lifestyle change tomorrow, January 26, 2010. By making this public it will give me additional prayers,motivation and accountability. Please feel free to post comments, email, call, text to encourage and provide motivation.

This is very cheesy but I am going to do the typical "before" and "after" picture.

The "before" picture taken at Christmas Eve. 

Here is a picture of what I want to get back to (I'm on the far right).

Hopefully in the next 6 months I'll have an "after picture" to post here.


  1. Go Girl!!! Good Luck Ill try and keep you motivated.

  2. Thanks! I need all the help I can get!

  3. Go MK!

    Nobody told me that you gain tons when you get married. Freshman 15? Let's talk about the newlywed 19...gosh!

    I'm trying to get a little fitter for Kristen's wedding in March!

  4. You go girl, I know you can do it :)
