Friday, February 24, 2012


Everyday I am more and more amazed at the human body and how intricate and delicate we really are from our systems to the emotions. No two people are built alike.  Just stop and think about it for one second. We breathe without thinking about it; out bodies let us know when they are tired, hungry, sad, etc.

I am amazed at how we have to have sleep and rest in order to continue with our lives. I keep reading in the Bible about sleep. In the Bible sleep is compared to being dead. For those of us who love sleep (me included) that is wrong. We should look forward to each and every day. I know I don't. Most days I would rather sleep than wake up and face the day. Why is this? I can come up with a number of excuses but that's not important here. Last night I received adequate sleep and rest so this morning, I feel great. I am ready to take today on, no matter what it brings. I only have this day. I am not promised tomorrow. If I remember this, then maybe just maybe I can be excited about this day and be ready to face whatever it is I am about to face for this day.

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