Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 3

Today, I was a little bad. We made french toast for breakfast. At least I used light syrup.

Yesterday was a really good day. I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I was satisfied. I concentrated on my portion amounts and ate lots of vegetables!

Hopefully today I can keep up the good work and continue to eat healthy.


  1. Go YOU! Rock it girl! I made my first soup of the fall season today. It's an all veggie soup and it is awesome. I get a lot of food ideas from www.foodgawker.com

    I love that site, even if a lot of stuff on there is definitely NOT healthy.

    Anyway, so proud of you! Keep it up!

  2. CG, thank you so much! I cannot wait for fall to officially be here, so I can start making soups. I'll definitely have to check out that website!!

    Thanks for all your encouragement!!!
